GE Appliances is Committed to Inclusion and Diversity
Jun 3rd 2020
“At GEA we are committed to building a community and a company where inclusion is real, not a slogan; and diversity is a reality we embrace with grace, not as a corporate mandate.”
Kevin Nolan - President and CEO, GE Appliances
Dear GEA colleagues:
This has been an incredibly tough week after a string of incredibly difficult days. The most recent loss of lives in the African American community is tragic and shows the disparity that still exists in our country. These issues aren't new and continue a long and devastating history of human loss going back centuries.
This is the reality we live in, where the unspoken truth is erupting, demanding justice and peace. There's a need for reconciliation and dialogue, but it needs to start with a clear commitment to listen and understand the voice of the protesters.
The conversations happening in African American families and communities are extremely painful. What we are currently experiencing can't be ignored nor should it be: it's our society showing its wounds; wounds that have been there for years and it's sad that tragedy is needed to force a dialogue. We hope these protests can lead to some sort of healing and resolution of long-standing issues. This affects all of us and we have an obligation to help address the inequality that still exists in our country.
We believe in a society where everybody is welcome, and every life is valued. At GEA we are committed to building a community and a company where inclusion is real, not a slogan; and diversity is a reality we embrace with grace, not as a corporate mandate. Current events show how important it is that we recognize issues and continue to work to build a company and a society where everyone is included.
Kevin Nolan
President & CEO, GE Appliances